NOAA National Calibration Center
International Collaboration
WMO/GSICS (Global Space-based Inter-Calibration System)
The Global Space-based Inter-Calibration System (GSICS) project was launched in 2005 by the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) and the Coordination Group on Meteorological Satellites (CGMS) in order to meet the climate monitoring and numerical weather prediction requirements. Within GSICS, participating agencies develop and implement a comprehensive calibration strategy for space-based instruments with the aim to: ensure consistency of satellite measurements from different instruments and programs; tie these measurements to absolute references and SI standards; and enable recalibration of archived data.
GSICS coordinates activities for pre-launch instrument characterization, on-board routine calibration, sensor intercomparison by collocation of individual scenes or overlap between time series, use of Earth-based or celestial references, as well as field campaigns. NOAA has contributed greatly to the WMO/GSICS program and currently chairs the GSICS executive panel. NCC will support the WMO/GSICS by representing NOAA at GSICS, and strengthening the US contributions which will also foster further international collaboration.
CEOS/WGCV (Committee on Earth Observation Satellites/Working Group on Calibration and Validation)
The CEOS/WGCV is among the three major working groups under the CEOS: Working Group on Calibration/Validation, Working Group on Information Systems and Services (WGISS), and Working Group on Education (WGEdu). WGCV has six subgroups each focusing on a specific technical area. The WGCV chair reports to the CEOS Strategic Implementation Team (SIT) which is led by the leader of a senior space agency. To ensure long-term confidence in the accuracy and quality of Earth Observation data and products, the WGCV provides a forum for the exchange of information on calibration and validation, coordination, and cooperative activities. It promotes the international exchange of technical information and documentation, joint experiments and the sharing of facilities, expertise and resources. It addresses the needs to standardize ways of combining data from different sources to ensure the interoperability required for the effective use of existing and future Earth Observing systems. NCC will leverage the CEOS/WGCV framework for international collaboration with the space agencies worldwide. The NCC will represent NOAA calibration activities and participate in the WGCV.