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National Calibration Center home page

EUMETSAT Polar System Second Generation (EPS-SG), aka MetOp-SG, represents Europe's contribution to the future Joint Polar System (JPS), which is planned to be established together with the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) of United States, following on from the Initial Joint Polar System (IJPS). EPS-SG is the mid-morning observing system of the NOAA-EUMETSAT polar constellation and complements JPSS satellites that fly in the afternoon orbit. It will provide operational observations and measurements from polar orbit for Numerical Weather Prediction (NWP) and climate monitoring in the 2023 to mid-2040's timeframe. The next generation sensors onboard EPS-SG have improved accuracy/resolution/dynamic range of the measurements.

  • Meteorological Imager (METimage) onboard EPS-SG is a an advanced multispectral imaging radiometer covering 0.44 um to 13.34 um in wavelength and provides information on clouds, cloud cover, land surface properties, sea, ice and land surface temperatures, etc. The primary objective of this sensor is to provide high quality imagery data for global and regional NWP, nowcasting, and climate/environment monitoring.
  • MicroWave Sounder (MWS) onboard EPS-SG is a total power radiometer and provides atmospheric temperature and humidity profiles. Its goal is to measure the brightness temperature at various altitudes, and deliver calibrated and geo-located atmospheric temperature and water-vapor sounding data in all weather and illumination conditions.
  • MicroWave Imager (MWI) onboard EPS-SG is a conically scanning total power microwave radiometer and will provide precipitation monitoring as well as sea ice extent information. The instrument has a total number of 26 channels (including dual polarization channels). The MWI frequency coverage is from 18 GHz up to 183 GHz. The main goal of the MWI is to serve operational meteorology, oceanography, sea-ice/snow/land surface observation and climate applications. The MWI will provide continuity of other key microwave imager channels in support of long-term climate records.
  • Radio Occultation sounder (RO) onboard EPS-SG is a passive instrument that exploits the L-band radio-navigation GNSS signals to measure the time variation of the excess path length of GNSS signals as they are occulted by the atmosphere. The RO mission retrieves atmospheric temperature and humidity profiles, as well as information about the ionosphere. The RO mission is to provide measurements of refractivity profiles in the troposphere and the lower stratosphere with a good vertical resolution and high accuracy. Refractivity profiles are then used for retrieving atmospheric temperature and humidity profiles as well information on surface pressure.
  • Infrared Atmospheric Sounding Interferometer - New Generation (IASI-NG) onboard EPS-SG is a Fourier transform spectrometer measuring 16921 spectral channels between 645 and 2760 cm-1. The infrared radiance spectra provide information on greenhouse gases, clouds, aerosols, and trace gases as well as fulfilling the primary objective of IASI-NG by supporting numerical weather prediction (NWP) with information on atmospheric temperature and moisture profiles at a high vertical resolution.
  • This page serves as a knowledge database for instruments onboard EPS-SG and supports proxy SDR data development to facilitate EDR team's algorithm and software development and testing for the EPS-SG related EDR data product generation.