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National Calibration Center home page

Welcome to the GOES-R Calibration Working Group

GOES-R status update:

11/30/2016: After completing the last LAE (Liquid Apogee Engine) burn and reaching the ~35k km altitude, the GOES-R satellite
has achieved it's final geostationary orbit and has now officially become GOES-16!

11/23/2016: GOES-R is currently in a transfer orbit. Through orbit raising, it will reach its final orbit two weeks after launch ,
at an altitude ~35.8K km, becoming GOES-16.The animation below shows GOES-R in transfer orbit as of 11/23/2016, using
two-line-elements (TLE) from celestrak website.

11/19/2016: GOES-R was successfully launched at 6:42pm from Kennedy Space Center in Cape Canaveral, FL

GOES-R Launch & Deployment

The GOES-R Calibration Working Group (CWG) oversees the development and implementation of the calibration of the GOES-R
instruments. The Working Group provides technical guidance and recommendations to Program Systems Engineering (PSE)
of the GOES-R Program Office, and its members are primarily working level engineers and scientists at NOAA/NESDIS
(including its Cooperative Institutes and Centers), NASA/GSFC, NIST and MIT Lincoln Labs.

The purpose of this web page is to provide general information about CWG efforts, as well as a calibration knowledge database
to both our team members and the data users.

News and Documents GOES_R Performance and Monitoring Data and Software
About GOES-R ABI Spectral Response Functions GOES-R Software Tools
GOES-R Product ATBD Standardized Calibration Parameters GOES-R Portal
GOES-R L1B Data Format (TBD) GOES-R SNO Predictions GOES-R GAS Data (TBD)
GOES-R Calibration ATBD (TBD) Cal/Val Sites GOES-R AWG
GOES-R Users Guide (TBD) Lunar Events