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EPS-SG MWI Simulated Brightness Temperatures

Dataset 1

A set of collocated GPM active microwave observations, joined by modeled atmospheric state, is used as an input to a radiative transfer model to produce MWI simulated brightness temperatures (Tbs). EPS-SG MWI channels, ranging from 18.9 GHz to
89 GHz (h- and v-polarized), are simulated using GPM DPR-observed hydrometeor profiles and ECMWF reanalysis following
the MWI scanning geometry. Currently, the EPS-SG MWI proxy data are available at eight channels [18.7, 23.8, 31.4, 89 (both
V- and H-polarized)], over all surface types, at MWI field of view with DPR-characteristic sampling (~5km spacing along scan line
with 13km between consecutive scans) over the 66°S-66°N domain. An example showing a portion of a simulated orbit shown below.

18.7h GHZ

18.7h GHZ

18.7v GHZ

18.7v GHZ

23.8h GHZ

23.8h GHZ

23.8v GHZ

23.8v GHZ

31.4h GHZ

31.4h GHZ

31.4v GHZ

31.4v GHZ

89h GHZ

89h GHZ

89v GHZ

89v GHZ

Dataset 2

Community Radiative Transfer Model (CRTM) is used to produce MWI simulated brightness temperatures (Tbs). EPS-SG MWI channels, ranging from 18.9 GHz to 183 GHz (h- and v-polarized), are simulated using ECMWF reanalysis. Simulations use MWI scanning geometry following GCOM-W1 AMSR2 track/scan over a period of several months. The resulting product offers simulated MWI Tbs at all 26 channels and their corresponding ASMR2 geolocations. Sampling with spacing of ~5km along and between consecutive pixels and scan lines covers pole-to-pole domain. An example showing a single day of ascending orbits is shown below.

MWI Simulated Brightness Temperature - 89h Ghz

For questions and inquires please contact Dr. Veljko Petkovic at CISESS, University of Maryland