#This short program converts PACE/OCI data from Netcdf to Envi in BSQ format. #Once converted, go to ENVI and open it as "Image" file, and then provide the #information on #samples, scanlines, and bands (you can use ncinfo to find out #from the orginal Netcdf file. #You will also need to change the input and output file names in this file. #This program was generated by ChatGPT (Provided by C. Cao on 4/26/2024) import netCDF4 as nc # Open the netCDF file with nc.Dataset('PACE_OCI.20240417T134339.L1B.nc', 'r') as nc_file: # Read the variables from the 'observation_data' group rhot_blue = nc_file['observation_data']['rhot_blue'][:] rhot_red = nc_file['observation_data']['rhot_red'][:] # Combine both variables into a single array combined_data = { 'rhot_blue': rhot_blue, 'rhot_red': rhot_red } # Write the combined data into a binary file with open('pace2envi.bin', 'wb') as bin_file: for var_name, data in combined_data.items(): # Convert the data to bytes and write to the binary file data_bytes = data.astype('float32').tobytes() bin_file.write(data_bytes) print("Data has been written to pace2envi.bin") # Close the netCDF file nc_file.close()